As Ginkgo proves that economic and social health can grow from polluted industrial zones, the leaf promises a rebirth and a healthy balance.
Ginkgo is an investment fund that specialises in the durable revitalisation of European polluted industrial sites, rehabilitating these industrial wastelands on the crossroads of environmental, economical and social challenges in urban landscapes.
After its first decade, the team at Ginkgo contacted Ekta to infuse their identity with a new dynamism and help it evolve to the next level. This resulted in a complete overhaul of their print and digital communication, both internally and externally. Ginkgo’s expertise and professionalism became the root for the visualisation of their entire working process throughout their different projects, from buying up polluted sites to the realisation of ambitious real estate projects.
Ekta designed a logo that takes the leaf of the Ginkgo tree as a jumping-off point, but also references the famous ‘recycling’ sign. The result is a symbol of rebirth, purity and balance, infused with the key aspects of trust, sustainability and durability.
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